If one actively uses all their senses (touch, taste, smell, sight, sound) when doing anything, they are being conscious.
Unconscious: One can light a stick of Palo Santo not paying attention to the ritual. That is unconscious.
Conscious: One can light a stick of Palo Santo but use their fingers to touch the wood. One can appreciate the heat from the fire while watching each fibre burn. When the smoke appears, one can watch how the smoke moves the air around it. This might take 10 seconds longer, but teaches mindfulness and presence.

Full Moon
A full moon occurs when the side of the moon facing Earth is fully illuminated by the sun. This happens approximately every 28 days. Full moons are known for thier bright and beautiful appearance.
At Grounded 1002, we use full moons as a time to work hard on ourselves, our goals, and our development. We believe the spotlight is here to amplify our energy and efforts.
We are a #cosmicpowered brand, and move with the signals from the universe.

New Moon
A new moon occurs when the moon is located directly between the Earth and the Sun and is not visible from Earth.
It appears dark in the sky.
New moons mark the beginning of the lunar cycle.
At Grounded 1002, we use new moons as the time for reflection. To us, the darkness represents the time to go inward and think.
We are a #cosmicpowered brand, and move with the signals from the universe.