Emailed: October 14th, 2022
The mission of Grounded 1002 is to be a gateway for people being a better version of themselves.
And...a gateway this show was. With 4 styles of sound presented by 12 musicians coupled with upscale light and sounds, it was the perfect way for 60 attendees to get out of their comfort zone. Most had no idea what to expect. Klueless Magazine interviewed a few people and here are some reactions on Instagram (no captions - sorry) and on TikTok (with captions).

(keep reading if you want to learn more about the event : the artists / behind the scenes / the crowd)

Seeman Ho played handpan, introducing us to 2 arrangements she created ; with one of them created specifically for the #rockwithcare concert. The handpan plays at 432 hz frequency which is known to be extremely relaxing. Although, it is a relatively new instrument, the handpan is based on the physical properties of instruments used in many different cultures for several years. The crowd definitely looked zen while she played.
Radhika Das came with a crew of 7 musicians including acoustic guitar, bass, mrdanga, piano, saxophone, and 3 vocalists. What an experience it was. He led us through 3 mantras over the 2.5 hour night - starting with a meditative mantra and ending with the crowd dancing their hearts out. Someone compared the final 2 mantras to being at a rave - but there was no intoxication involved. Only pure joy from the heart unleashed. Normally, a kirtan (mantra concert) builds continuously (like how a good DJ does). We chose to break up the experience at #rockwithcare, because this concert was meant to be a gateway to different types of music for the soul. It is an unreal experience when kirtan is experienced continuously. Radhika is actually playing his 2nd solo concert tomorrow (Sat Oct 15th), Heartland at Triyoga Chelsea. If you enjoyed what you heard at our show or our playlist, we highly recommend you join this event. It will be another level - like... you will feel the roof will want to blow off with the energy 250 others.

Tabla Tom is a man of many talents. Although, he was the sound engineer of the evening (the most important part of any concert experience), he also teaches Kirtan and teaches how to play instruments. We made an impromptu decision for him to sing a Durga mantra as the last song of the night. His voice is captivating - even with no rehearsal, the mantra provided a 10/10 experience in offering gratitude to the divine feminine.

Everyone commented on the delicious snacks. The vegan samosas + gluten free brownies made with love by Rena Patel, holistic chef.
Treasure Tipees brought the warmth in the East London church with rugs, cushions, decor, and candles. Usually decorating kids parties, they built up St. Ethelburga's very beautifully.
Author, Integrated Health Expert, Chef, and Entrepreneur, Mira Manek closed the evening. She is a friend of Grounded 1002 and several of the musicians who performed. PS: If you haven’t had her chai yet, what are you waiting for? Available to buy or across several cafes in London.
Giselle Palou, Founder of Klueless Magazine photographed the event in the midst of Fashion Week(s). We owe you. Check out the online magazine for music and fashion. Coming from Mallorca, she combines the world of fashion, music, the streets, and spirituality into a unique way.
thank YOU for being curious
Grounded 1002 promotes an #intuitivelifestyle, we curate experiences, and we have an online store. Our tagline is #getcurious. Our mission is to be a gateway for people being a better version of themselves - through our products, experiences, or what we share online.