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#025: Five Books We Think You Should Read

#025: Five Books We Think You Should Read
Emailed: November 13th, 2023

A Note from Selin

Hi, Selin here filling in for our founder Neeta as she celebrates the Festival of Lights - Diwali, with her loved ones this week. If you don't know me, I've been working with Grounded 1002 for almost 2 years as a content writer and communications strategist. 

I hope this email finds you well as we welcome the new moon in Scorpio today.

As with most new moons, this monthly celestial event holds power for personal growth and self-improvement, making it the perfect time to reset, set intentions, and explore your mental, physical, and spiritual dimensions.

In this newsletter, I want to share with you some inspiration for restorative new moon practices and close off with some book recommendations that I think you will love.

Let's dive in.

Selin Oguz, Content Writer

two women using Grounded 1002's body tool, the #rockwithcare guasha, on their arms

New Moon Practices, From Us to You

Guasha Tool Exploration: Consider using a guasha tool, like our best-selling #rockwithcare tool, to connect with your body. It's an excellent way to release tension, explore energy blockages, and gain insights into your physical well-being. Don't know where to start? Watch this YouTube video for inspiration.

Sensory Connection: Light some #stixandstones Palo Santo or dried local plants or wood to engage your senses. Remain present and see where the scents take you. And hey, while you’re at it, engage your ears too! Our newest playlist, called Light Over Dark, can provide you with the sense of hope and unity that we all could use right now. 

Set Aside Some Journaling Time: For many of us, our days consist of too much inflow and not enough outflow. Set aside time from work, social media, and TV and take stuff out of your mind, as opposed to putting stuff in. Write, scribble, draw, or paint in your journal, and observe how you feel afterward. Chances are, you’ll be a lot more clear-headed. 

Read an Insightful Book For Some #FoodForThought: Once you’ve achieved some stillness in your mind, fill it back up with healthy, loving, or beautiful thoughts and information. To help you with that, here are some book recommendations. 

Selin's Book Recommendations for Some #FoodForThought

"The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle 

A timeless classic, to say the least. There isn’t a single sentence in this book that doesn’t hold serious weight, guiding you to connect with your inner stillness and fostering mental clarity and spiritual awakening. 

"Big Magic" by Elizabeth Gilbert

With a blend of wit and wisdom, Gilbert encourages you to live a life driven by curiosity and creative daring. Whether you're an artist or simply seeking more magic in your daily existence, this book will embolden you to overcome fear, embrace your inherent creativity, and lead a more vibrant, fulfilling life.

"A Brief History of Time" by Stephen Hawking

This one is for those seeking something a bit more tangible and science-based. But, don’t be fooled! Reading A Brief History of Time is just as much of a spiritual experience as it is a scientific one, leading you to life’s big questions from mathematical and scientific points of view, all the while giving you a good laugh with Hawking’s undeniable humor. 

"The Seat of the Soul" by Gary Zukav 

This insightful guide empowers you to cultivate authentic power, harmonize relationships, and embark on a transformative journey toward spiritual enlightenment. If you’re looking for something to serve as a bridge between the tangible and intangible, this is your book! 

"The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho

We don’t care how many times this book has been recommended. The Alchemist is a timeless reminder that the journey is as important as the destination. If it’s been more than a few years since you last visited this one, don’t hesitate to pick it back up. Its insights change and grow with you. And if you’ve never read it, now is the time! 

Grounded 1002's tagline: #getcurious

As we navigate the energies of this new moon in Scorpio, remember to be gentle with yourself and take the time to nurture your mind, body, and soul. The journey toward personal growth and self-discovery is a beautiful one, and you're in the right place to embrace it. 

And remember, we at Grounded 1002 aim to be a gateway for you becoming a better version of yourself. So we’re right there on the journey with you. 

Wishing you a transformative and fulfilling new moon experience.

Grounded 1002 promotes an #intuitivelifestyle, creates experiences, and is a store. Our mission is to be a gateway for people being a better version of themselves. We believe the #essentialelement is to #rockwithcare. After all, we know that the nursery rhyme #stixandstones wasn’t entirely true. Every product and experience we offer is meant to be additive – whether used just once or on a daily basis.