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#011: Get lit within

#011: Get lit within
Emailed: May 5, 2023


What is an #intuitivelifestyle?

Consciously interact with the mind, body, and soul.

If not everyday,

If not every week,

At least once a month...


At Grounded 1002, we believe wellness isn't just about physical and mental health, but should also include the skill of harnessing the intuition. We know that an #intuitivelifestyle can lead to better decision making, increased self-awareness, and a more fulfilling life overall.
#getcurious or #divedeeper.

Message from our founder

Us city dwellers have often been led to believe that ultimate wellness can only be achieved through retreats, vacations, or spa treatments. While being surrounded by community, experts, and nourishing food can be a wonderful thing, it's important to recognise that you are the most powerful facilitator of your own wellness.
The umbrella of wellness includes areas such as fitness, mental health, nutrition, financial well-being, and much more. The experts have made incredible innovations and advancements in these areas, and thousands of people have benefited from their advice. However, what I've found through my own traumas and challenges is that following expert advice can leave you feeling discouraged or anxious, or burnt out if you don't tune into your own needs and instincts first.
As I approached 40, I began to prioritise my intuition, something I had lost touch with because I had let other priorities take over. I found that the tips and tricks from my coaches, family, and friends worked even better for me when I coupled them with my own self-awareness. I learned to read the signals my mind, body, and soul were sending me. The quality of my breathe - shallow or deep was a tell tale sign of what's going on inside. I started linking the physical manifestations in my body like aches, pains, or skin issues to emotions. I started paying attention to my emotions towards 'life.' When I started doing this, it became clear that at the end of the day, it's all about me. I'm the ultimate advocate for myself.
I challenge this community to not only trust books and expert advice, but also to pay attention to what you learn about yourself. Trusting your intuition can have a profound impact on your quality of life. As people who were strangers now share with me how our #rockwithcare stone has helped their mind, body, and soul, I'm reminded that my intuition is serving me well.
I hope that Grounded 1002 can help you honor and trust your own instincts when it comes to your wellness journey.
neeta sharma

In addition to the aromatherapy benefits, the act of holding and lighting Palo Santo can serve as a tactile and sensory anchor to help strengthen presence, mindfulness, and intuition.

 1. #getcurious about the wood.

Organic and sustainably harvested Palo Santo comes from trees which have been growing at least 70 years.

Each forest has a different quality of soil.

Each forest experiences different climate(s).

Before lighting your sticks, take a moment to look at the stick properly - the markings, the gaps, the colours. Take a moment to feel the texture.

In #stixandstones, we include Palo Santo from 3 different forrests. Can you notice the difference simply by the look and feel of the wood?

(Engage the senses of touch, sight, and smell. Interact with the element of earth.)

2. Pay attention to the flame.

When Palo Santo is lit, the flame does not last long. In the moments the flame is going:

Pay attention to how it engulfs the surface of the wood.

Pay attention the change in temperature and the power of the heat.

Pay attention to the change in colour and size of the flame.

Listen to how the flame wraps around the stick.

Our Palo Santo is 100% a raw material with no added fragrance, oils, fillers. Watch how the element of air stops the fire from burning.

(Engage the senses of touch, sight, sound and smell. Interact with the elements of earth, air, fire.)

Did you know that all our products have 5 star ratings across the board?

Click on the product names to check out the reviews and learn why people are loving #rockwithcare and #stixandstones.

Today's full moon falls in the mysterious sign of Scorpio but it also marks the end of Eclipse season with a Lunar Eclipse.
Like most new moons, the best advice for today is to just chill out.
Maybe throw on our featured playlist and have fun with our challenge.
#rockwithcare <3


We've selected "Explore the other POV of Sound" as our playlist this time.
The challenge is to listen to sound different than you normally do.
If you normally listen to the lyrics/words, listen to the music instead.
If you normally listen to the treble (higher frequency), listen to the bass instead (lower frequency).
Sometimes, you can hear a completely different song when you do this.
ps: the drum drop in the "In the Air" cover - umm... ya. Thanks Phil Collins for that goodness.
Grounded 1002 promotes an #intuitivelifestyle, creates experiences, and is a store. Our mission is to be a gateway for people being a better version of themselves. We believe the #essentialelement is to #rockwithcare. After all, we know that the nursery rhyme #stixandstones wasn’t entirely true. Every product and experience we offer is meant to be additive – whether used just once or on a daily basis.
