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#010: Stuff you should know: 4 headlines of what's happening in the solar system

#010: Stuff you should know: 4 headlines of what's happening in the solar system
Emailed on April 20, 2023 

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...while we closed shop from March 24th - April 12th.

"One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living."

- Dale Carnegie




Message from our founder

There is so much going on in the cosmos right now from an astronomical POV. Whether or not you believe in the astrology that comes with the planets, it is worth knowing the headlines of what is happening in our solar system, which are summarised below this message.
I've been a self-care and astrology lover since childhood, which has translated as me using the planets as coaches, particularly over the past decade. Each planet consciously represents something important to make up a whole (aka - the solar system). If you want to dive deeper into the planets, here's a great article.

Until recently, when life's to-do's took over, I had a bad habit of having tunnel vision on a few 'select' areas of my life. An entire year would go by and I noticed I had excelled in one area (usually related to the mind) but had left others behind (usually related to the body and soul). Society today makes it easy for us to be guilty of this - focusing just on one or two from the whole, which is 'mind, body, and soul.'

In my 30's, I had some big life experiences which screamed, 'so what if work is great... what about everything else?' My 20's whispered the same message too, but I chose to ignore, which is probably why the messages came back stronger.

When I was 9 years old, as part of a competition, I delivered a speech to the entire school. The topic I chose to speak about was Nostradamus (1503 - 1566), the French Astrologer, Apothecary, Physician, and Published Author of a cookbook. Despite being 33 years ago, this particular assignment still stands out. Much of the research I did explained why my parents had full moon ceremonies every month. Perhaps this assignment even planted the seed for me to enrol in an organic skincare formulation certification later in life. I certainly felt that the cosmos play a bigger part in our lives than simply 'telling the future.'

Now, being a mother in my 40's, with the help of the planets, this thing called balance comes easier - despite trying to juggle more. I use the cues of the full moon and new moon to engage in restorative practices followed by a reflection period based on the planets and astrological signs. Somehow, doing this gets me closer to myself. I feel whole. I'm looking at things I would have ignored otherwise. It helps me live an #intuitivelifestyle and not ignore what I need. I don't ignore what I think. It's a powerful thing. Something that wasn't always able to do.

At Grounded 1002, we're slowly working on some fun projects and products to bring the mind/body/and soul together, so we can help others live an #intuitivelifestyle. Until then, we hope these newsletters offer some inspiration to #getcurious about using the universal cues to stay balanced with self-care.


Headlines: Four things happening in our solar system right now.

...amongst many others.

1. Tonight is a New Moon. It happens every 28 days.

The 'spiritual folk' use the new moon period for restorative and reflective activities. The solar system creates the perfect atmosphere for R&R given we can't see the moon light. Time to pull out some palo santo, take a bath, and #rockwithcare. Journaling is a very helpful activity during this time.

2. Tonight we begin Eclipse Season. 

Eclipse season happens twice a year, approximately every 173 days.

Each 'season' includes a solar eclipse (on the new moon) and lunar eclipse (on the full moon) - not necessarily in that order.

Spiritually, eclipses represent a time for evolution.

Today, we will experience a solar eclipse. New things could be exciting or scary... just remember to take those deep belly breaths through it all. It is good for your mind, body, and soul.

3. On March 23rd, the dwarf planet Pluto started making mighty moves.

Pluto moves veeery slowly (it is called a generational planet), which is why it is worth noting when it moves into a new sign. For 20+ years, Pluto, will mostly be spending time in the sign of Aquarius. Pluto is a tiny but mighty planet. It represents power - it is known to destruct things for the purposes of metamorphosis. Death and rebirth is the name of the game. Generally, whatever is stagnant needs to change.

Keep your #rockwithcare handy as this transition happens to keep flowing inside out.

4. Mercury Retrograde runs from April 21st to May 14th. 

And despite what the media says, it is no big deal. We get three to four Mercury Retrogrades a year. Mercury is the planet of the mind and rules things like technology, communication, intelligence, information, ideas, business, education, and legal stuff.

During a retrograde, it appears that a planet is moving backward, but isn't. This apparent backward movement of the planet may cause some glitches or confusion in the area it rules.

Basically, during a Mercury Retrograde, the universe asks us to double check our work, backup technology, and be extra aware of how communication can be perceived.


 Did you know that all our products have 5-star ratings across the board?

Check out the reviews to learn why people are loving #rockwithcare and #stixandstones.

a woman sitting in front of a moodboard

We're not sure why the universe has placed back to back "New Moon in Aries," BUT - we think, it's a time to get loud and clear about those Aries characteristics.

Take a listen to our Launch Party playlist - one of our favourites. One of these tracks will hopefully ignite something in you. Great tunes and verses. Enjoy!

click here to listen

A New Moon in Aries - Again?!

The last new moon took place on March 21st in the sign of Aries. 28 days later, the next new moon is here...

Again in the sign of Aries.

Yup, a new moon in the same sign... twice in a row... It's something that happens approximately every 3 years.

Today's new moon falls in the fire sign of Aries. You may feel especially reflective on Aries traits.

Being the first sign of the zodiac, Aries is seen as the trailblazer full of courage, enthusiasm, determination, and creativity.


Grounded 1002 promotes an #intuitivelifestyle, creates experiences, and is a store. Our mission is to be a gateway for people being a better version of themselves. We believe the #essentialelement is to #rockwithcare. After all, we know that the nursery rhyme #stixandstones wasn’t entirely true. Every product and experience we offer is meant to be additive – whether used just once or on a daily basis.