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#016: Gents, #rockwithcare is also for you / What is a Supermoon... there are 4 coming up.

#016: Gents, #rockwithcare is also for you / What is a Supermoon... there are 4 coming up.
Emailed: July 3rd, 2023

Embrace the power of the mind-body connection. 




Message from our founder

A few weeks ago, a friend pointed out that there were no men on our website.  Good point I noted with the response, "it's coming."
Until then, I should clarify that Grounded 1002 is not solely for women.  We are here to promote an intuitive lifestyle for everyone.
In relation to his comment, I must share an interesting thing about our #rockwithcare stone.
Did you know that we have many male customers, of which many are athletes or those who focus on body work for a living?  It was quite a surprise to me when I noticed the athletic or body conscious man purchasing #rockwithcare.
I originally created this brand for people like me, individuals in the corporate world who needed quick and effective ways to relax after long hours at a desk.  But with each sale outside our target market, I realized that many of our customers are people who already have their own arsenal of tools like tennis balls, rollers, and gadgets like the theragun.
I am genuinely grateful that many of them are curious about #rockwithcare and now use the tool as part of their recovery routine.

To offer some inspiration, I have uploaded a YouTube video demonstrating how to use the tool on forearms and hamstrings. 

Watch with the caveat that our video quality has much room for improvement - for our small business, it's about progress, not perfection :) 

If you enjoy the video, we'd love a like or comment on the video.

Watch the video HERE.

So please, keep the feedback coming. We absolutely love it and with your help, we can bring you more of what you want.





Today, we are experiencing a special astronomical event called a supermoon in the sign of Capricorn. A supermoon occurs when the moon is closer to the Earth, making it appear larger to us. In fact, the moon is about 18,000 miles closer than normal.

This year, we are lucky to have four consecutive supermoons. If you live near a body of water, pay attention to the tides during the next four full moons. It's fascinating to think about the impact of this extra energy on our bodies.

The full moon today aligns with the sign of Capricorn, symbolised by a sea goat. This symbol represents the transition from fluidity to structure, combining a mountain goat's hoof and a fish's tail... it's actually pretty cool.

At Grounded 1002, during full moons, we reflect on how we can bring balance into our lives by embracing the qualities associated with Capricorn.

When Capricorn signs are in balance, they exhibit traits like ambition, responsibility, discipline, practicality, organisation, patience, and reservation. Take a moment to evaluate how you embody these qualities. Are you living up to your full potential?

If not, consider the steps you can take to cultivate these traits and bring more balance to your life. Harnessing the essence of Capricorn during this full moon can provide valuable insights and guidance for personal growth and achievement.

Embrace the energy of this celestial event and use it as a springboard towards more fulfilling and balanced existence.

With fluidity meets structure being the theme of today's full moon, enjoy our "Songs You Should Know" playlist. Each song was chosen either for the story behind the artist or song, or it was chosen for the song contribution to pop culture.

Couple this playlist with #stixandstones Palo Santo, #rockwithcare Guasha, and a magnesium bath and #getcurious about your Capricorn traits.

Grounded 1002 promotes an #intuitivelifestyle, creates experiences, and is a store. Our mission is to be a gateway for people being a better version of themselves. We believe the #essentialelement is to #rockwithcare. After all, we know that the nursery rhyme #stixandstones wasn’t entirely true. Every product and experience we offer is meant to be additive – whether used just once or on a daily basis.

#getcurious tagline Grounded 1002